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An important requirement in modern enterprises is the productivity and quality of the methods used. After all, mechanization and automation of production is a gradual set of measures providing for the replacement of manufacturing operations with modern technologies.

The mechanization of product manufacturing is constantly evolving, improving and flowing from the previous to more advanced forms. Automation of production processes provides the majority of manual operations by machines and mechanisms. At the time of china cnc service it is important now.

The highest degree of automation is considered a continuous cycle of work, where a person plays the role of an operator or controller. It should be noted that production automation systems are needed for management and control, maintaining the required operating mode of units, equipment diagnostics and reporting. Production automation tools include instruments for recording, processing and transmitting information in such a production. With their help, there is regulation, management and control of product lines.

Automation of production processes

Automation of production processes has the most favorable economic argument in favor of integrating a number of systems due to reduced hardware costs. Therefore, comprehensive automation of production includes:

  • High information content,
  • The ability to analyze the technological situation,
  • High accuracy of measuring technological parameters and their regulation,
  • Automatic dosage of components,
  • The prospect of expanding control systems,
  • The ability to create automatic jobs.

Organization theory and cybernetics define a process as a sequential change in the state of a system or object, leading to changes and development. The functioning of production is impossible without the involvement of four types of stages: Automation of production processes minimizes the impact of the human factor and is used to ensure increased:

  • The speed of completing repetitive tasks,
  • Quality of work,
  • The amount of data that can be used to calculate and support processes,
  • Precision control,


  • Speed of choice of solutions for standard and emergency situations.

Automation of production processes a tool to improve the quality of management at each level of the hierarchy of the company: Strategic management is carried out by the owner or head of the company and the heads of structural divisions.

Automation of production processes, like the development of tactics, is carried out by the accounting and technology departments using specialized software to manage the storage and distribution of resources calculate financial and material costs for tasks, control product quality, carry out maintenance and repairs. This level includes the introduction of software for the economic department, logistics, procurement.


The mechanization and computerization of dispatch control is used to provide a visual representation of the information of sensors and indicators whose task is to monitor the functioning of industrial equipment for:

  • Adjusting indicators based on action programs or when the operator initiates changes,
  • Organization of data storage on the server,
  • Tracking the dynamics of work,
  • Generating reporting statistics for transmission to senior managers.

Automation of production processes at the lower dispatch level is carried out using telemetry systems and centralized remote control of objects and processes. The tasks of the network are the transmission of commands and the reception of these indicators on the equipment, regardless of how far the facility is from the operator.

Distributed control system (DCS), an intelligent network based on programmable logic controllers (PLC) performs standard tasks and is characterized by additions:

  • Makes it possible to observe the operation of an object from any computer in the presence of software,
  • Data of various formats are transmitted to the workstation,
  • Remote debugging of system operation parameters is available in real-time.

The disadvantage of complex SCADA is the significant number of cables required for operation, but if you integrate the sensors with an integrated microprocessor module, this problem is solved.

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