Nursing Elder abusing of the key facts

elder abuse attorney

The abusing of the elder around 1 in the 6 people of 60 years and experienced the older in some form of abusing during the past years in the community settings abuse. In the higher the institution of theelder abuse attorney rates are such as nursing homes and facilities of the long term care, the staff is reporting 3 in 2 they committed abuse in the past year. Elder abuse can be lead to serious injuries in the physical and psychological consequences for the long term. It may predict to increase the many countries for the aging population in rapidly experienced in the abusing of the elder. The population of the global of 60 years aged people and there will double in older more than the aged people. In 2005, 900 million to about 2 billion in 2050. The single or repeated act is called elder abuse. Any relation is occurring with the lack of appropriate action where the expectation of trust and which causes distress to the old person. And this type of violence constitutes a violation of human rights and it may include physical, sexual, psychological, and emotional abuse and the serious dignity of loss and respect. Do work according to the wants and dis wants.

Scope of the problem

The public health problem is important in elder abuse. These are available in 2017 study based system the evidence of the studies is 52 in 28 countries from the region of the diverse. It may include the 12 low and the income middle countries. It will be estimated by them over the past year, the aged of 60 years of the people is 15.7 % and older will be subject to some form the abuse. They reported that the case of elder abuse is only 1 in 24, the older people will be afraid of the report cases to the family, friends, to the authorities. They have data rigorous limited, the estimates had provided the study prevalence, drawing also available in further studies. The number of people will be affected by a different type of abuse. In institutions problems of the data extend such as hospitals, nursing homes, and long terms care facilities. In the recent studies of systematic reviews and meta-analyses on elder abuse both institutional and community. Elder issues estimates and its subtypes in the institution were calculated from all the studies it data are collected from the staff, older adults, and their proxies. The total number of the studies is 9 in 6 countries based on their self-reported of the staff is 64.2 % some form of abuse in the past year.

Risk factors of the elder abuse

The potential for abuse may increase the risk factors of an older person. It can be identified like the individual, relationship, socio-cultural level, and the community

Individual: risk factors of elder abuse are individual it includes the level of the poor physical and mental health of the victim. The mental disorder and alcohol are the substance included in the abuse of the abuser.

Relationship: By sharing the living situation with others are risk factors for elder abuse. Care for older relatives becomes a greater burden it may increase the risk of abuse.

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